doTerra Essential Oils | Our 4 Year Journey with Essential Oils

life factory green bottle

A year after we started using doTerra essential oils, I took my kids to the doctor for the check up.  It had been almost a year since we last saw her.  Her first words as she walked into the room were, “Where have you been?”

I wasn’t surprised by her reaction.  In previous years, we were in her office at least every other month; sometimes more. It seemed like someone was constantly battling a fever or a cough that was bad enough to send me running back to her office with a child in tow.

The only thing that changed was the introduction of doTerra essential oils into our lives.  A friend suggested I try doTerra to combat some of the emotional strain that accompanies the world of being a foster parent and a foster child.  I tried their blend called InTune and fell in love.

InTune wasn’t the end of the story though.  Chris and Elijah both suffer from year round allergies.  Chris was on a prescription medication and a nasal spray.  I began studying his nasal spray and found story after story where someone who used it lost their sense of smell permanently.  Yikes!

At this point, we knew that Elijah would develop a lingering cough every fall as his allergies grew worse.  We knew that cough would put us back at the doctor’s office.  This year, it didn’t happen.  It didn’t have a chance.


In fact, in the year that we were introduced to essential oils, Chris was able to stop taking his allergy medication completely.  My kids stopped going to the doctor and we used the essential oils to support their immune systems and their health.

There isn’t a day that passes that we don’t use essential oils.  It is second nature to us to at this point to reach for a bottle of essential oils before anything else.

If you are interested in starting your essential oil journey, you can sign up here or contact me with any questions you may have.  I would love to help you!