Skoolie Floor Plan

skoolie floor plan

We started dreaming of the perfect skoolie floor plan before we even purchased a bus.  Since that first plan, it has changed 2,351 times.  That is just a rough estimate of course. The photo below is what we have settled on.  That is, until our builder points out the 20 reasons why he doesn’t think it will work.  Maybe he won’t though.  Maybe this is the final draft.

skoolie floor plan

Once the demo was at this stage, we could finally get serious about it and figure out where everything would go.

Skoolie Floor Plan

skoolie floor plan

There are a few things that have stayed the same since we started planning this out.

Skoolie Bathroom Location

We wanted the skoolie bathroom to be between our room and the boys’ bunks.  We wanted a sound buffer between the two spaces for obvious reasons.  We also didn’t want our bathroom right outside the kitchen.  I just burst out laughing as I played out all the ways that could go wrong.

converted school bus floor plan

Skoolie Desk

We only want one couch up front.  On the other side, we want a desk where we can work or do homeschool assignments.  I think we will end up building a couple of storage ottomans as desk seating.  These could also be used as footstools to kick your feet up if you are sitting on the couch and no one is using the ottomans.

No Oven

From the beginning, I have maintained that I don’t want to take up space with an oven.  Our pescatarian diet means we don’t cook a lot of the favorite items that we used to bake; like lasagna.  Our Instant Pot does most of the work for us when it comes to our beans or sides like rice and potatoes.

Pap Pap Bed

We have always wanted the couch up front to fold out into a guest bed.  Our hope is that my father-in-law, known to the boys as Pap Pap, will want to join us on some of our adventures.  Part of the reason we want to make this journey is to spend time with more family members, including him.

Skoolie Floor Plan

This may change…again.  For now, we are happy with where everything is.  If you are interested in seeing some more of our ideas, before they actually become reality, check out our idea lists here.  These are products we have either purchased or plan to purchase for this build.  For an up to date skoolie conversion time line, check out this link.

If you were converting a bus, what would you need for it to be comfortable for you and your family?